What is the obvious emotional truth on which your brand is based?
People are proud of their heritage and want to preserve it
Therefore, what business are you really in?
We are in the business of preserving heritage
Therefore, at whom is your brand aimed?
The brand is aimed at young women who want to wear sarees which mean something.
If so, what are the personality traits your brand should have that will attract this target mindset?
Beautiful, Passionate and Memorable
What is the organizing idea, that captures the essence of your brand, that users will want to champion?
Every one has a memory attached to sarees. Sarees that either their parents, grandparents, friends or relatives have owned.
We want to celebrate those stories and bring life to the long forgotten sarees and along with them, the memories too.
Physical Six Yard Scrollable Banner:
A physical six yard scrollable banner that narrates the story of the saree line by line as you scroll over it. The stories would be fond memories associated with sarees shared by the consumer. The banner will allow the consumer to write a line of the story which starts with the line that is provided on the banner.
Allow the users to tweet or post on Facebook the line they want to continue the story with. The story will be completely consumer led with the hashtag #EverySareeHasAStory.
The lines that the users have tweeted or posted on Facebook will be updated live on the banner.

Digital Posters that go up on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Mock twitter page running the campaign #EverySareeHasAStory

Mock Instagram page running the campaign